Available Languages

Pick one of the following to switch to that language.
Locale NameLanguage NamePercent Translated
en_US English 100.00%
af_ZA Afrikaans 14.33%
az_AZ azərbaycan 31.02%
ceb_PH 90.69%
cs_CZ čeština 58.49%
da_DK dansk 23.78%
de_DE Deutsch 99.85%
el_GR Ελληνικά 26.88%
es_ES español de España 98.23%
es_VE español 98.52%
fi_FI suomi 23.78%
fil_PH Filipino 47.27%
fr_FR français 63.66%
hr_HR hrvatski 22.30%
hu_HU magyar 80.65%
it_IT italiano 96.90%
ja_JP 日本語 98.38%
ka_GE ქართული 20.97%
kaa 4.43%
ko_KR 한국어 98.52%
nb_NO norsk bokmål 48.45%
nl_NL Nederlands 38.26%
pl_PL polski 64.55%
pt_BR português 99.41%
pt_PT português europeu 22.45%
ro_RO română 43.28%
ru_RU русский 94.83%
sk_SK slovenčina 5.02%
sq_AL shqip 35.60%
sv_SE svenska 77.99%
tl_PH Filipino 24.22%
tr_TR Türkçe 94.98%
uk_UA українська 3.40%
ur_PK اردو 0.15%
zh_CN 中文 100.00%
zh_TW 繁體中文 99.70%
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